David Palterer

Ma’ashe Merkavah

43 x 10 x 6,5 cm

Acid-treated brass
Pampaloni, Firenze

The mystery of the ma’ashe merkav(b)ah (chariot of fire) compels us to search for meaning, for all that we are aware – having eaten the forbidden fruit – that meaning is inherently fleeting, or open to countless interpretations. The work is this concept in a metaphorical form. It references Ezekiel (chapter 1), touches on the story of the prophet Elijah’s ascent to Heaven on a fiery chariot, and, at the same time, alludes to the imagery of “Bezalel souvenirs” and the discovery of an ancient artefact. It is a rhetoric of clichés reconciled with humanity’s need to perpetuate ancient rituals.

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