Romano Boccadoro

Tutti i poeti sono ebrei - Marina Cvetaeva - da (e con) il Libro di Tarussa di Paul Celan

32 x 30 x 40 cm

Golden chalk, glass, and found box

The artwork consists of a golden box containing a plaster sculpture made by the artist. It depicts one of the greatest poets of all time: Dante. The title of the work is, Tutti i poeti sono ebrei – Marina Cvetaeva – da (e con) il Libro di Tarussa di Paul Celan [All poets are Jews – Marina Cvetaeva – from (and with) the Book of Tarussa by Paul Celan], choosing the poet as a prominent symbol, in homage also to the poetic verses of Cvetaeva, The box, where the sculpture is placed, is a found object, following a form of expression dear to the author. The shamash is made of blue-blown glass with white veins, while the eight candles are blue with a thin golden vein.

Other lights from the collection